Friday, February 28, 2014

What little remains....a train station in the woods.

I noticed this support post while driving down a parkway in New York. While many might not notice this or give it a second thought, I was immediately intrigued. I soon discovered this was the remains of a train station. I knew I needed to see it up close.

I ended up at an event nearby, and knew I couldn't head home without a quick stop to see this place. I never explore alone (because I'm a big chicken), but I had to at least see it. I parked, pulled on boots, and ran, camera in hand, down the path to find this train station. 

The platform.

Not much remains, but it was still a really cool find. I wanted to explore more, but I didn't want to wander too far into the woods alone. I will be heading back to explore more and take more pictures.

I will definitely be heading back to explore more and find out more about the history of this forgotten place.


  1. Great find! I love the old railroad beams. Can't wait til' you learn more about the station's history.

    1. thank you! i'm hoping to go back once the snow melts :-)

  2. thank you! The ski hill sounds like a fun place to explore!
